Profit Roofing Systems
Local roofing contractor in Georgia – How we managed to get 61 leads, at 30% conversion rate in 30 days
Local roofing contractor from Savannah Ga have decided to explore online marketing possibilities. They wanted to have a new stream of potential roofing leads coming through their website. They approached us without any knowledge about advertising possibilities online and asked for help.
First of all, we researched the market for the opportunities to advertise roofing company’s business online. Our chosen platform – Google Ads for roofers. When we compared how much they are able to spend (Customer Acquisition Cost) with the price of clicks and possible conversion rates – we decided that it’s definitely worth trying to launch a dedicated Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign.
We started from a research of the market, so we quickly learned about the competition and keywords that people use when they are looking for roofing companies in the area. Sam, who is our Google certified specialist, researched a list of keywords and their prices for this particular campaign, so the next step was to choose services that we are going to advertise for the client.
Next, the dedicated landing page was created which matched the relevant search in order to maximize the Conversion Rate (CR) of all incoming visitors. There’s a golden rule of all marketing campaigns – NSAMCWADLP – “Never Start A Marketing Campaign Without A Dedicated Landing Page!”. As we followed this rule we were able to do A/B split testing on our ads and landing pages in order to constantly improve the Conversion Rate of our campaign.
30 days down the road results were amazing. At the moment of writing this article, we are able to convert 26-28% of all traffic!
Cost per lead is only $30. The client told us that anything below a $100 is profitable for him.
But why believe everything I say, check out the picture below. It’s taken directly from our Google Ads account.
Landing page optimization – they want to connect with YOU (not a logo) and they want to see pictures, reviews and clear call to action