Roofing Contractor SEO Case Study - Profit Roofing Systems

SEO Roofing Case Study

How we tripled the number of monthly Leads for our New Jersey client

I’ll start this case study by saying: “SEO works!” If you’re not familiar with the term – SEO is the art of ranking on the famously known Google, and I claim with confidence that it works great.

I am started off with a bold claim about the greatness of SEO since the art of ranking on Google got a bad reputation in the roofing industry. Quite unfairly, I must say. The thing is that

SEO (and digital marketing services in general) have a low barrier to entry. Nowadays anybody can watch two or three courses on SEO and call himself SEO guru. His Guruness can fuck your business up quite badly. You need more than a course to rock SEO.

Most of my roofing clients were tricked by the self-proclaimed SEO gurus – newbies without knowledge and experience. Hopefully, I brought the faith in digital marketing back to them. In this case study I’m about to show you how to rock SEO.  Read, learn and regain the belief in the power of SEO.

How to Rank a Roofer in the State of New Jersey in 20 Different Locations?

Here’s how we did it!

Our roofing SEO client was already ranking decently in 6 cities and 4 counties in the state of New Jersey. Client’s wish was to push the current rankings up up up! & to add 10 more cities across the state. Anybody who is targeting multiple cities has to have a proper page on their website – a page targeting a certain city which contains a 100% unique content.

Here’s an example:

Which GOALS Did We Set?

Before starting to do our SEO magic, we set some goals. Running forward without the strategy and plan makes no sense. Before you start any digital marketing activities, please determine your KPI’s. Don’t act like a beheaded fly, moving through space and continuum without a direction.

Here are the goals we were determined to reach:

The Approach We Used

Attract More Traffic & Experience Real Growth With Our Roofer SEO Agency.

Wondering What Came out of It?


133% MORE TRAFFIC ON A MONTHLY BASIS → from 300 visitors to 700 visitors a month

We ranked for over 1000 keywords (initially our client was ranking for only 200 keywords)

TRIPLED THE NUMBER OF LEADS! Until we came to the scene, our client was getting 20 leads a month. That’s not bad…but we got him 61 leads a month! Now that’s great!

and finally…HERE’S HOW WE DID IT →

SEO consists of the ON PAGE SEO (your website) and OFF PAGE SEO (backlinks eg. linking other websites to your website). If you have both things on point, you will rank! As simple as that.

But if it’s that simple, why do people fail when it comes to SEO?

It’s because they don’t know how to do on-page SEO.

They don’t adjust their strategy when Google pushes out an algorithm update which happens 3-5 times a year. What worked last year, may not work anymore.

Secondly, they fail at building quality backlinks. They don’t build them at all or they buy low-quality backlinks.

Also, the problem may be in budgeting. SEO costs. You can’t expect to get awesome results if you don’t invest a right sum of money in SEO activities. For example, if you pay somebody $500 a month to do SEO, they’ll be able to work on your ON PAGE SEO for 5 to maximum 10 hours a month (which is not enough for getting awesome results) and able to build only 1 to maximum 2 backlinks. Not good. Not enough for driving real results.

Here are the approximate budgets for SEO:

  • Really small cities (up to 30 000 population) – less than $500
  • Small to mid-size cities (30 000 – 150 000) – $500 to $1000
  • Mid-sized cities – $1000 – $2000 (depending on the competition in that city)
  • Big sized cities – $2000+


This is valuable data which gives you an opportunity to evaluate SEO if you’re currently paying somebody to do it. You can determine if you’re underpaying or overpaying your SEO. For example, if you hired an agency and you’re paying them $500 a month to do SEO in a big city like Dallas, there is a super small chance you’ll rank (ever). In this case, you’re underpaying. Invest. It WILL pay off. In case you’re overpaying SEO – you’ll have better quality backlinks, you’ll rank for more keywords and get way more traffic.



30 days down the road results were amazing. At the moment of writing this article, we are able to convert 26-28% of all traffic!

Cost per lead is only $30. The client told us that anything below a $100 is profitable for him.

But why believe everything I say, check out the picture below. It’s taken directly from our Google Ads account.


Key points when you are optimizing your Ads campaigns:

Landing page optimization – they want to connect with YOU (not a logo) and they want to see pictures, reviews and clear call to action

Google Ads optimization – use everything Google gives you

If You Want To Know More, Just Schedule A FREE STRATEGY SESSION With Us!

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