Are You Market-Ready? | Profit Roofing Systems

Are You Market-Ready? Let’s Launch Your Roofing Business with In-Depth Analysis

roofing market with marketing agency

So you’ve taken the leap and decided to enter the exciting world of SEO and web development for your roofing business—from our team at Profit Roofing Systems, we wish you a hearty congrats! Starting a new website and learning how to market a roofing company from scratch is no easy feat. As experts in the field for over 7+ years, even we’re still figuring out what works best and what doesn’t, as SEO is ever-changing and always shifting. What has you ranking #1 on search engines one day can bite you back the next.

As a roofer, this may all sound like completely uncharted territory. However, let Profit Roofing Systems shed some light on some of these unknowns so that you’re better prepared to kickstart your business’ marketing strategy once and for all!

How to Market a Roofing Company 101

We’re not going to sugarcoat it; there’s a lot that goes into online marketing, particularly for a saturated market like the roofing industry. Here are just a few of the things you’ll want to think about when it comes to optimizing yourself to the fullest:

1. Market Demand

Research is key no matter which industry you want to break out in. Keep a close eye on your target area—what is the economic situation like? How many people live there and what are their preferences when it comes to roofing and home improvement projects? What is their income level, how willing are they to pay for something as important as roof repairs or replacements? Once you’ve looked into market demand, you’ll have a clearer image in your head of where—and how—you want to start advertising yourself.

2. Competitive Analysis

Roofing can be a cutthroat business. Stay on your toes and always be ready to keep up with the times. What are your competitors doing? How are they advertising their business, what are their prices, policies, warranties? Check their online presence, if any. Do they have active social media profiles, and if so, how do they conduct themselves with their audience? Do they have a clear and concise website, paired with a Google Business Profile? These will all help you determine their market positioning and how you can reach their level and, ultimately, surpass it.

3. Target Audience Identification

Look into your ideal customer profile (ICP). Building an ICP will help you identify the perfect target for your business’ roofing services. You’ll need to research the demographics, psychographics, and pain points of your target audience in order to market yourself as strategically as possible. Remember, your customers have problems with their roofs—and you’re the only one with the solution.

4. Differentiate Yourself

After a thorough competitive analysis (step 2, for a quick refresher!), it’s time to see what makes your business unique and different from the rest. Your marketing strategy should outline how your roofing business stands out—highlight any specialized services you may offer, any eco-friendly materials you work with, warranties, or customer service excellence. Think about what will make people click on your website or profile first before anyone else.

5. Brand Development

Focus on creating a strong brand identity for your roofing business. Whether it’s the design of your website or your social media presence, you’ll want to pop out and stay in the back of people’s minds, even when they’re not looking for roofing services at that particular time. Think about what you want your logo to look like, what your mission statement will be, and what you want your brand voice and messaging to sound like. Don’t forget to make your website easy to navigate and user-friendly, too!

6. Marketing Strategies

Are you just content with developing a website, or just having a single Google Business Profile (GBP)? While they may be easier to manage, you may not make a big enough splash if they’re not optimized 24/7. To really blow everyone out of the water, we recommend looking into all of the following:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Local SEO

7. Customer Relationship Management

If you’re going to go into marketing, it’s a worthwhile endeavor to look into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software as well. Not only can these tools consolidate your customer’s data in one place, they can also streamline customer communication and preferences, manage leads, and track sales performance and history for your business.

8. Measuring Success

What do you want the key performance indicators (KPIs) to look like when measuring your success? Give a thought to metrics like conversion rates, customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and ROI (Return on Investment) from your marketing efforts.

Expect Only the Best from One of the Nation’s Leading Roofing Agencies

Find all the above a little hard to comprehend, or not sure what the difference is between SEO, PPC, and the rest? Let Profit Roofing Systems help—we can set up a great-looking, user-friendly website that brings out the best of your company’s services. We’re not just experts in building SEO for a roofing website, either; our friendly and professional team is ready to roll out PPC campaigns, manage your social media presence, and write informative, original content for your company, too.

Book a strategy session today!

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