Effective Advertising for Roofers | Profit Roofing Systems

What Is the Most Effective Advertising Strategy for Roofers

Working on Digital marketing

So you’re looking to jump into the exciting world of online digital marketing — first, congrats on taking the leap! The first step can always be daunting, especially when you’re entering an industry you may not be wholly familiar with. As the top roofer marketing agency at Profit Roofing Systems, we’re here to tell you: we’ve got your back 100%, and with our guide below, you can start dominating as one of the best roofing companies in your area starting now. Keep reading and find out how your business can benefit from smart ways of advertising!

The Real World vs. The Digital

You don’t need to pit one against the other. In fact, plenty of marketers agree that blending both physical advertising with the digital landscape can bring about their own unique benefits. As a trusted roofer marketing agency in the business for 7+ years, here’s what we’ve learned doing roofing advertising for many of our clients:

Pay-Per-Click or Paid Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising refers to paying for online advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, and more. Advertisers pay based on how many people click on their ad. Ever went to Google something and saw a little “Sponsored” notification above a website’s search results? You can bet those were paid to be there — and you can bet people searching for specific keywords related to that website will be clicking on it as the first thing they see!

The neat thing about paid advertising for roofing is that they can target customers who’ve already visited your website. Roofing Facebook ads and roofing Google AdWords (or roofing Google Ads) can also pinpoint potential audiences by their age, location, gender, and interests.

One of the most important things to remember when creating an ad is its visuals and messaging. If you want to convert views into roofing leads*, make sure to use high-quality photos or images relevant to your business and/or brand. The text should have a clear, concise message and a call-to-action (CTA) button to encourage people to click through to your offer.

When done correctly, paid advertising can be a powerful boon to your roofing business’ growth.

* Views, or impressions, are the amount of times your ad was displayed and seen by people browsing. When they actually click on the ad and then decide to call you, send an email, or fill out a contact form inquiring about your roofing services, this is known as a conversion. Locking in and actually hiring you for their roof is known as a lead!

Organic Advertising

Organic advertising is the bread and butter of all SEO — organically ranking for a website/business without paying for ads or sponsored posts. This includes web development and having a user-friendly interface on your website, making sure it’s easy to read, pages load fast, is mobile-friendly, and has an appealing roofing website design.

What will set your website apart from other roofers’ is not only its appearance, but its content. Make sure all of your pages are relevant and establish the character and services of your business. Refrain from using AI to write your content — in today’s world, search engines such as Google can easily identify what was written by a real person and what wasn’t, and if they flag any of your pages as AI, your website may take a major hit in its rankings. It may even be completely deindexed from search engines, period. Don’t take that chance, and hire competent content creators to write about your business for you!

This method of roofing SEO also bleeds into the following section — interacting with customers.

Interacting with Your Audience

Having an attractive website and eye-catching ads is all well and good, but it means nothing if there’s no brand-building. Our team always stresses the importance of keeping an open and honest line of communication with your customers! Staying active and approachable on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more can boost your business’s reputation and keep you in the back of people’s minds when they need your services.

A few avenues you can explore in order to stay active on social media are:

  • Post photos. Before-and-after comparisons, current works-in-progress, behind-the-scenes or employee selfies — everything’s fair game here, and it’ll help your customers gain a better understanding of your brand.
  • Film and upload videos. There doesn’t need to be any fancy tech for this; just your regular smartphone camera will do. With videos, you can also film your customers’ happy faces when they give their glowing reviews of your roofing accomplishments!
  • Reply to comments and answer questions. Interacting with your audience builds rapport and positivity for your brand. The more you engage with your users, the more likely they’ll find you an expert in the field, and go to you for all their roofing worries!


Get the Most with Profit Roofing Systems’ Complete Marketing Solutions for Roofers

There’s so much more we can go into when it comes to effective advertising strategies. There’s a lot of creativity that can be used in ad campaigns, like putting your website’s QR code on billboards, on your car wrap, or on personalized door hangers. Successful roofing companies employ all of this for a strategic upper hand in advertising. As a roofer, don’t get left behind — keep up with the trends, listen to your user base, and hire a roofer marketing agency who knows what they’re doing, such as our team at Profit Roofing Systems.

With almost a decade of experience in the roof marketing biz, Profit Roofing Systems helps roofing contractors dominate their local market. Book a strategy session with us today!

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