Why Is SEO Important for Your Website | Blog | Profit Roofing Systems

What Is SEO and Why Is It Important for Your Website?

What Is SEO and Why Is It Important for Your Website?

So you have got a website, and it looks great, but why is it not ranking high on Google? It simple – the reason your site may not be ranking very high on Google is that it is not optimized for the search engines. Understanding the basics of SEO will give you a better insight into why it is vital to optimize your website.


What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Also known as SEO, search engine optimization is known as the process focused on marketing your website or content by growing its visibility in an organic (non-paid) manner.

For proper SEO to be set up, creative and technical elements need to be incorporated. With a good SEO, you will be able to drive traffic, increase awareness, and improve rankings in search engines.

Many aspects will influence SEO – from the text and images on the page, to the way other sites link to your page on the internet. It is crucial that your page is structured in a way that the search engine understands it.

While SEO is mostly about building a search engine-friendly website, it is also essential to make the site better for the user.


Why Does My Website Need SEO?

Whether you provide services, sell products, or offer information on your site, SEO is needed if you want your website to be seen.

You can undoubtedly get traffic to your site through social media and other sources, but the majority of organic web traffic is driven by commercial search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

With proper SEO methods, you make it easy for search engines to point targeted traffic in the direction where they want to go. People that are looking for what you have to offer will be able to find you quickly if your SEO setup is right, as you will be ranking high on Google search results.

For example, when a user types a keyword related to your service or product into the Google search box, they will be able to find your site if it was optimized well for those keywords.

Many time search engines cannot find a site or add the content to their database because of the lack of good SEO. Therefore the website owner will miss out on publicity, exposure, and revenue in the end.

Even though there are other marketing and promotional methods out there, SEO is a great investment because it can give you an exceptional rate of return.


Why Can’t Search Engines Find My Site?

The internet has become very competitive, and those who perform SEO usually have an advantage when it comes to visitors and customers.

If you lack the knowledge of SEO and how to incorporate it into your site you might make a wrong move and bury your site deep in the search results.

Even though search engines are intelligent, they still need help finding your website through SEO and ranking it high. When the right SEO is put into action, your ranking will inevitably increase.


Can I Do SEO For Myself?

It is very hard to do proper SEO on your own because it is a very complex process. It involves many different segments and, apart from that, the rules are constantly changing.

Google is constantly changing its algorithms for ranking, you need to know the market and the competition, and it is hard to keep up – but not for a professional.

When you hire a professional and experienced SEO agency to do it for you, you can be sure that all basis will be covered and your page will not fall behind.


Final Thought

SEO is an integral part of a website if you want your site to be seen. Even though simple SEO setups and practice are not that difficult to implement, it is essential to understand that SEO might take months before real results kick in. The process of SEO can be very time consuming, and that is why many businesses prefer to hire a professional for the job.

Matt Jacob has been in the marketing business since 2008, working exclusively with roofers for more than 5 years now. He has come to know all the tricks of trade inside-out and he is committed to helping roofers by sharing some of the most important ones. Find out where your best opportunities lie, as well as which challenges lurk out there for roofers – all in his detailed blogs.

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